
Encina Capital Partners, LLC, through its affiliates, has provided specialized lending and leasing solutions to middle-market companies in the U.S. and Canada.  Since 2016, Encina has provided over $3 billion in aggregate commitments to more than 150 customers across a wide variety of industries. Encina has approximately 50 employees located across several locations in the U.S.


In 2021, we completed the successful sale of two of our platforms, validating our ability to launch, scale and monetize commercial finance companies.


Encina’s remaining focus is now aimed at growing Encina Private Credit and Encina Lender Finance.

Encina Private Credit

Headquartered in Norwalk (CT), Encina Private Credit (EPC) partners with direct lenders to provide first-out and pari passu enterprise value loans as part of a unitranche solution to private equity-sponsored borrowers.

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Encina Lender Finance

Operating from both coasts, Encina Lender Finance (ELF) offers revolving lines of credit, delayed draw term loans, and forward flow purchase programs to emerging and established specialty finance companies with strong junior capital sponsorship across a wide range of short-to-intermediate duration asset classes in the consumer and commercial finance sectors

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